Top 10k strings from Sinclair User - Issue 128 - Great Eight 17 - Hacks Amazing (1992)(Sinclair User).tzx
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2 Sinclair User 1 mNow what? 1 ^#V#N#F#~## 1 Welcome! Once again, this is Hacks Amazing, compiled by the Manic Hacker. _ You will notice that I've redesigned the background behind the game information windows - you know, to make it somewhat less like what Tips Amazing was. It certainly looks a lot better (well I think so anyway). If you haven't yet found anything tucked away within this program, try again - it's still there. No I'm not telling you. _ SOFTWARE PUBLISHERS: GET IT RIGHT! I've found that Puffy's Saga (advertised as 128K only) actually works on 48K Spectrums. Perfectly. _ You'll notice that this has rather less in the way of content. That's because I only had one and a half months in which to compile this as opposed to six. However the quality should not have suffered at all. And there's also the fact that I'm running out of games to hack! _ By now we're nicely into the footy season. With any luck, Blunderland are missing Paul Bracewell and we're having a good laugh about it. The optimist in me says 1 W S W@S@W`S`W 1 Utility/Hacks 1 U Q U@Q@U`Q`U 1 This Is A 48 Or 128 Program 1 Sinclair User - Issue 128 1 NHacks Amazingcompiled by The Manic HackerPress any key to stop thescroller and see the cheats!Number SGN PI !6 1 IIIIRRRR[[[[ddddmmmmvvvv 1 HaxAmazing 1 Hacks Amazing (128) 1 Ha ha! Hope they go down (again)' while the cynic in me is, for some reason, being quiet. I don't wear Sunday best - it's always Saturday best. _ This is the first chance I've had to comment on the European Championships in a scroller. All I'll say is that we should have done better and, well what can you say about Denmark? It certainly proves that the Germans (and the Dutch?) are bad losers! And as for UEFA saying that bookings could decide which team goes out. I didn't think they could come up with anything worse than penalties - which are comparatively fair. _ I think it's time for a few messages... Deport, if you're reading, I hope you're having no problems with 3DKit - binary may be fiddly but it's worth it. Dead things. A Colley, I assume you're reading, BT's profits have just shot up because you keep phoning me. Anybody else I know - don't worry, I've only gone round the bend, hatstand, up the pole, completely, and many more such phrases. Before I forget, I'd better mention Jon North. He couldn't 1 C. There MUST be something wrong somewhere... _ Do you realise that you're reading this? _ No, I didn't think so. _ You are being brainwashed. You can't tell the difference between That Other Magazine and a dead crab. JETMAN WHERE ARE YOU? _ No point in waffling on except that I want to bore you all silly. Waffle waffle waffle. Bored yet? ... Good. Falling asleep yet? ... Good. NOW WAKE UP YOU DOZY PERSON. (Shock tactics you see.) _ I think it's time to repeat. _to repeat. _to repeat. _to - what did you expect? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 BMultiface is active! 1 And Loaded Via 48k And 128k Mode 1 : add 65536 to address 1 11211611Turbo the Tortoise|0|0On the control selection screen,|0hold down TURBO for immortality.|0There are invisible blocks and|0lifts such that all objects are|0accessible. 1 11211611Trantor|0|0Infinite time: 56711,0|0Infinite ammo: 54236,0|0No enemy: 52514,0|0Infinite lives: 52221,0|0Infinite energy: 56596,0 1 11211611The Ice Palace|0|0Infinite lives: 63133,60|0Infinite energy, fuel,|0time: 60936,24 1 11211611Super Seymour saves the Planet|0|0Infinite lives: 63872,0 1 11211611Stryker in the Crypt of Trogan|0|0Infinite lives: 42848,195|0Infinite energy: 42801,167|0|0You can avoid energy loss|0after a long fall by pressing|0FIRE just before you land. 1 11211611Stormbringer 128K|0|0Infinite time: 43765,167 1 11211611Splat! (Sp)|0|0Infinite lives: 34057,48 1 11211611Spectipede|0|0Infinite lives: 27584,182|0No spider: 30075,0|0Immortal: 28263,195|028714,58 29595,58|030505,58 31585,58 1 11211611Seymour goes to Hollywood|0|0128K only|0When any large-text message|0is shown on screen, type the|0following:|0KAZANDKAZAGAIN|0and you will see a scrolling|0message appear, detailing|0the cheat mode. 1 11211611Robocop|0|0Infinite energy: 39540,201 1 11211611Pacland|0|0Infinite lives: 32354,167|032375,167 35294,0 1 11211611Kosmic Kanga|0|0Infinite lives: 36212,0|0Immortal: 35540,0|053497,0 53790,0 1 11211611Jet Set Willy 2|0|0The Trip Switch, when on,|0allows you to launch the yacht|0to the Deserted Isle. In the|0yacht, collect both objects|0then walk along the bottom of|0the boat. There is a teleport|0on the island - in the sand.|0|0A gremlin crept in last month|0in the infinite lives poke:|0use 32150,0 32151,55 1 11211611Driller|0|0Infinite energy: 46828,0|0Infinite shields:|047064,0 48007,0|0Infinite time: 46476,0 1 11211611Draconus|0|0Infinite flames: 62866,0|0Infinite lives: 64215,0|037948,48 1 11211611Dizzy down the Rapids|0|0Infinite lives: 42986,0|0Infinite apples:|036669,0 36809,0 1 11211611Deviants|0|0Infinite ammo: 35286,0 1 11211611Defenders of the Earth|0|0Infinite lives: 52942,42|0Either use during each level|0(48K) or (on the title page)|0in RAM banks 1, 3, 4, 6 (128K) 1 11211611Chuckie Egg 2|0|0Infinite lives:|035459,0 35460,68|0Immortal: 35375,58|035387,62 35463,58|0Keep object when|0killed: 35423,24 1 11211611Chase HQ 2|0|0Infinite credits: 40382,183 1 11211611Blinky's Scary School|0|0Infinite lives: 53456,0 1 11211611Astronut|0|0Infinite lives: 48212,0 1 11211611Ant Attack|0|0Infinite energy:|0(Player) 36673,0|0(Other) 36714,0|0Infinite time: 36308,201 1 112116113D Construction Kit|0|0Page 35 (IFSENSED):|0Requires a parameter (object|0number of sensor)|0|0Page 39 (insertion):|0TESTV|0Format: TESTV P1 V2|0Function: As ANDV, but the|0result is not stored.|0|0Page 40 (XORV): replace|0ANDV with TESTV 1 08608400Exit to BASIC:|0Sure?|0|2No|2Yes 1 05806011Information|0|0# Multiface poke|0@ Basic poke|0* Tips|0|0More than one symbol may appear|0|0Sam Coup 1 05806011Hacks Amazing|0by the Manic Hacker|0 1 05806001Hacks Amazing|0|2<next>|0|2Spectipede #|2Splat! (Sp) #|2Stryker in the Crypt of Trogan *#|2Stormbringer 128K #|2Super Seymour saves the Planet #|2The Ice Palace #|2Trantor #|2Turbo the Tortoise *|0|2<back> 1 05806001Hacks Amazing|0|2<next>|0|2Rerun program|2Exit to BASIC|0|2<back> 1 05806001Hacks Amazing|0|2<next>|0|2Dizzy down the Rapids #|2Draconus #|2Driller #|2Jet Set Willy 2 #*|2Kosmic Kanga @#|2Pacland #|2Robocop #|2Seymour goes to Hollywood *|0|2<back> 1 05806001Hacks Amazing|0|2<next>|0|23D Construction Kit *|2Ant Attack #|2Astronut #|2Blinky's Scary School #|2Chase HQ 2 #|2Chuckie Egg 2 #|2Defenders of the Earth #|2Deviants #|0|2<back> 1 0(((0(( ((0((( 1 "hacmsg.2" 1 !TZXed by Andrew Barker 05-08-1999 1 Go away !! 1 1992 The Manic Hacker...! 1 1992 Sinclair User|0|0Expanding Menus|0by Rick O'Neill, 1991|0Alterations by the Manic Hacker|0|0Use UP and DOWN cursors to select|0with ENTER to choose/continue 1 (0(((((((00((((((0((((